These agencies and organizations do not provide legal or financial assistance for homeowners seeking to avoid foreclosure. They do, however, provide useful counseling, education, and referral services.

Hacienda CDC: This community development corporation provides HUD-certified, bilingual (English/Spanish) foreclosure prevention counseling. Phone: (503) 595-2111

Open Door Counseling Center: A non-profit, HUD-certified, bilingual (English/Spanish) foreclosure prevention and loss mitigation counseling provider located in Hillsboro. They provide classes and online webinars to help homeowners resolve delinquency and prevent foreclosure. Phone (503) 640-6689

Foreclosure Help: The Oregon Departments of Consumer and Business Services and Justice, and Oregon Housing and Community Services provide information and resources on this website to help homeowners prevent foreclosure, avoid scams, and better understand the foreclosure process. This free services provides counselors who can help homeowners facing foreclosure understand their options. Call (800)723-3638 (or simply 211 in the Portland metro area).

Making Home Affordable: A U.S. Treasury and HUD website that allows homeowners to verify whether they qualify for either of two new government programs for homeowners wanting to avoid foreclosure. Website created by the State of Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services. Provides valuable information and resources on the foreclosure process and laws in Oregon.

Oregon Homeownership Stabilization Initiative: Offering several statewide foreclosure prevention programs. Check out the website for full program details and eligibility information.

Foreclosure Fraud Prevention

As the number of foreclosures has increased, so has the number of scams targeting homeowners in need of help. We urge homeowners to avoid counselors who charge an up-front fee, and encourage them to check the counselor’s credentials. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors has released an excellent list of suggestions and resources to help consumers avoid becoming victimized by foreclosure scams, locate a reputable housing counselor, and report suspicious activity.

The Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services also provides information to help homeowners avoid foreclosure-related frauds, and how to report suspected cases of  fraud to the Oregon Attorney General. (Tenga mucho cuidado con ofertas que ofrecen ayuda para evitar el embargo de su casa está disponible aquí.)