Please contact one of the following organizations if you need help securing rental housing, or are facing challenges with your current rental housing.

Housing Connections: Offers an Affordable Housing Locator for the Portland metro region. Phone 211 in Portland or (503) 802-8333 in other parts of Oregon.

Community Alliance of Tenants: A renters’ advocacy organization. Call the Renter’s Rights Hotline at (503) 288-0130.

The Oregon Law Center:The OLC may be able to assist renters with legal issues related to housing. Phone (503) 295-2760.

Need help finding help? Go to, or call (800) 723-3638, for a one-stop source of information about community services in the Portland metro area, including referrals to shelters and low-cost, transitional or permanent housing.

Ready to Rent©: If you are interested in purchasing the Ready to Rent© curriculum, please email Raina Evans.